FROM US TO YOU, an introduction;
It all started with $50 printer from Warehouse Stationary, a packet of Iron-On transfer paper and a bit of inspiration from Tyler the Creator and a mate Josh Kettle… After a few tees and a bit of support, Ben Morgan and Luke Riley gave birth to VMorg with the sole intention of helping everyone enjoy life more than just on the weekends.
Whilst our peculiar title originate late 2016, January 2017 we were a registered company and June 2017 we’d launched our first set of clothing! 2020 VMorg became the sole project of Ben Morgan and the drive to be involved in music, arts and the creative world is what keeps us alive!
If you have a passion and want a set of hands to help, we’ve got you. Flick us a line on our Facebook, Insta or Email, VMorg is For.The.People and you are the people <3
~ love Morg (& I’m sure still Vallaye)
General Enquiries:
Music Enquiries: